Special Education Hearing Officer


Child’s Name: D.R.

Date of Birth: [redacted]

Date of Hearing: 4/8/2015

ODR File No.


Parties to the Hearing:


Local Education Agency Penn Hills School District 260 Aster Street Pittsburgh, PA 15235-3839


Parent Attorney None

LEA Attorney
Chelsea Dice, Esquire Craig Alexander, Esquire 787 Pine Valley Drive Pittsburgh, PA 15238

Date Record Closed: April 20, 2015

Date of Decision: May 2, 2015

Hearing Officer: Cathy A. Skidmore, Esquire



The student (hereafter Student)1 is a middle-elementary school-aged student in the Penn Hills School District (hereafter District) who is eligible for special education pursuant to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)2 on the basis of Autism and a Speech/Language Impairment. The District filed a due process complaint after the Parent disagreed with its proposal for Student’s program and placement in its own program of autistic support following the family’s move from another school district.

The case proceeded to a due process hearing conducted in a single session. The District presented evidence that its proposed program and placement are appropriate for Student; the Parent did not attend, but provided written input for this hearing officer to consider. For the reasons set forth below, I find in favor of the District but will order specific directives to Student’s Individualized Education Program (IEP) team.



Whether the District’s proposed program and placement is appropriate for Student.


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